Therapy is complex because you are complex -
You may have had therapy services or counseling in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in the past, or perhaps you are new to this. Either way, you have some ideas about what therapy is, how it works, and what to expect. I'd like to share with you about how I see it, how I work, and what you can expect if you decide to work with me for your mental health counseling services. First of all, I'm very flexible and tailor the work to the client's style and needs. I provide in-person sessions as well as online therapy via Zoom or phone call so you can be in your own safe space. I focus on getting to know you and learning more about what is troubling you and what you are looking for when you reach out to me.
How does psychotherapy work?
In our first visit, I'll be asking more questions than usual. This helps put you at ease rather than feel on the spot. I want to know about your current life situations, including your relationship status, your job, your family, and your health. I ask some about your history, then focus on what is bringing you to see me. After that first session, we talk about what was on our minds that day. I remember what we had talked about before, and I will ask about possible connections, past and present. I don’t pretend to remember or know everything - we are human together.
My office on Lang Ave, near Jefferson. I really like it; it gets alot of light and maintains privacy. I checked, you can’t see inside from an outside view - all good!
Getting started in therapy -
My clients feel a good deal of relief after the first visit, feeling heard and attended to, often having new insights and perspectives. The feeling of making a fresh start and starting a healing journey is very meaningful and settling. Sometimes, there is so much that has been building up for so long that it's hard to end the sessions; there is a rush and tumble of things that need to be talked about. So ending the sessions may be difficult in the beginning until your high level of pain and stress has subsided.
Family therapy sessions?
If there is someone in your life, a partner/spouse, child, or parent, who is involved in your problems, we can invite them to join a session. They can be in Albuquerque, New Mexico, or somewhere else - we can connect by phone or video. This is best done after a few visits, but can happen earlier if need be. In those visits, I help YOU communicate important information to that person and ask for their input and perspective. This can be helpful for relieving and easing conflicts or misunderstandings; it's at least a good start for personal growth and your own well-being. It can be continued or put on hold, and we'll see what will work best for YOU. I put you first; this is your work, these are your decisions. If I see that the other person, your spouse, parent, child, or friend - needs counseling services themselves - I’ll say it, respectfully and gently.
My former office, on the outskirts of Gallup. I loved it there. I also love my new location, call to talk with me and set up your first appointment - 609 841 9159.
See the pic above for my new office. Change is good - not easy, but very good!
Why have you waited to start therapy?
All of us have put ourselves on hold, sometimes for years. Therapy is about getting to know yourself better and paying attention to yourself, your thoughts, your feelings, your wants, and your needs. I give you every opportunity to express yourself in a new way in a safe space. I listen, I ask questions, and I clarify. I may give you suggestions, but I will mainly help you find your own way to navigate life’s challenges. I support and respect YOU in a way you may have never experienced before.
What is the process of therapy like? How does it unfold?
As therapy progresses, it becomes clearer and clearer what is bothering you, deep down and in detail. It doesn’t matter where you live, whether it’s Gallup or elsewhere in New Mexico. You will experience yourself handling things differently, with better outcomes for the most part. Often this is organic, it just happens. Sometimes we talk about different possible coping strategies for anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, and we talk out what it might look like in real life.
How does therapy end? How do we know it’s time to finish?
We work together and develop an understanding as we progress. We usually just know when it is becoming time to taper off or end visits. This happens when there is less to talk about when the pressure is off, and the client feels a lot better, empowered, and calmer. We'll talk it over and do it together, as we have done the work leading up to the ending. Sometimes, my clients need to take a break or come less often due to financial or health changes; in those cases, I offer to see the client sooner than we have scheduled if need be. This helps the client feel connected and cared for. My door is always open, and clients sometimes come back for more work; it can be extensive or brief - whatever works for you on your own journey.
When you are ready to start your therapy, call me - 609 841 9159