Feelings of shame or guilt can leave you feeling stuck.

Are you dealing with feelings of guilt or shame? Do you feel powerless at work or home? Gaslighting can leave you feeling uncertain about the present. These feelings can keep you from moving toward a brighter future.

Therapy can help you regain control of your life and give you the confidence to reach your goals. If you’ve suffered from the effects of gaslighting, therapy can help you sift through the chaos and come to reality.

Gaslighting can happen to anyone.

Many people who experience gaslighting are not aware it’s happening. It can occur at any time or anywhere. Partners, coworkers, friends, or family can make you feel guilty or ashamed for something you didn’t do or say.

Anxiety means worry, tension, fear, rapid heart rate, headaches, and a host of physical, mental and emotional problems. Anxiety does have physical roots sometimes, and it can be helped, it can be reduced - it can be managed. Sometimes it’s a more co…

People who experience gaslighting may struggle with feelings of:

  • Disorientation

  • Guilt

  • Shame

  • Anxiety

  • Hopelessness

  • Low self-esteem

  • Isolation

  • Sadness

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you are not alone. Relationships that take away your sense of reality can leave you feeling powerless. I, Dr. Vicki Handfield, can help you increase your confidence and establish healthy boundaries.

The effects of gaslighting can lead to mental health concerns.

Many happy people in their relationships may not realize they’re being gaslit. They also may not want to know it. Individuals who have suffered from trauma may feel this type of behavior is expected.

Discussing your feelings with a stranger may feel uncomfortable. Victims of gaslighting can experience severe side effects if left untreated:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Psychological trauma

  • Isolation

  • Self-harm

You don’t have to go through these challenges on your own. I can help you create the life you deserve. I will walk with you every step of the way as you navigate your healing journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you’ve suffered the effects of gaslighting or you’re not sure how to move forward, I can help. I am happy to answer your questions.

How Can I Tell If I’m Suffering From Gaslighting?

Do you have a coworker, partner, or friend who always points out your inadequacies? Most people don’t realize they’re a victim of this treatment. While gaslighting can occur in different forms, there are a few patterns. You may feel accused of things you didn’t do or say. You may often be the victim of emotional abuse patterns. Over time, you may feel confused and unaware of reality.

Can Therapy Help Me Recover?

Gaslighting can instill feelings of guilt or shame, regardless of how long you’ve suffered from the behavior. Therapy helps balance the scales. It clears away the confusion and brings you back to reality. I use a combination of methods that work with your unique situation. As a psychologist, I’ve helped many people heal from the effects of gaslighting. I aim to create a space where you can feel confident to establish boundaries and begin healing.

Let Me Help You Today
You don’t have to let the harmful effects of gaslighting hold you back from the life you deserve. Contact Dr. Vicki Handfield today to book a consultation.

When you are ready to work on reducing your anxiety, call me - I can help you feel better  ~ 609 841 9159 - whether you are in Corrales, Albuquerque, NM or another location.