When you need individual counseling in Albuquerque, NM, or the nearby areas, you can get it from a therapist you can trust and who can help, Dr. Vicki Handfield. I provide various services to help people unpack the details of challenging situations. Talking about relationship issues, emotional distress and other sensitive topics can be hard to handle, and I am here to help.
Enjoy Emotional Freedom With Counseling
Living with negative thoughts and behaviors can take a toll on you. Talking with a compassionate and experienced counselor can help you work through mental and behavioral concerns and break free from emotional turmoil.
As a therapist, I offer counseling services to help you work through challenges to maintain or rebuild relationships. Counseling provides many benefits, such as:
Improving communication
Identifying dysfunctions
Learning how to problem-solve
Strengthening coping skills and techniques
Developing boundaries
Addressing negative thought and behavioral patterns
Helping express emotions
Finding the right therapist to share challenges with can feel overwhelming. I aim to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere for all my clients to share their thoughts freely without fear of judgment. I focus on listening to your history and family dynamic and providing support that increases communication and builds a strong relationship.
Commonly Asked Questions
If you're experiencing emotional problems, talking with a therapist can help provide support and clarity. Please contact my office to determine whether my services are a good fit for you.
What Happens During Counseling?
Every session will look different for every individual. I work with many individuals dealing with unique problems who want professional support to move forward. During our first session, I will ask several questions about you to learn more about your unique dynamic and challenges. Moving forward, I will listen attentively in our discussions so you can share your thoughts and emotions.
Are All Therapy Sessions Confidential?
Yes. You can trust that everything you share is private with me. I aim to establish trust with each client for their peace of mind and optimal healing.
Contact Dr. Vicki Handfield Today
Are you ready to start your therapy journey today? Contact me for counseling sessions and learn how to restore emotional freedom. I look forward to helping you deepen relationships as you move forward with your life.
I Provide Counseling in Albuquerque, NM
I am happy to help families in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the nearby areas. Albuquerque is close to the Sandia Mountains and my main office site, 4801 Lang Ave., NE, #110, Albuquerque, NM 87109. The city has several main attractions, including the Rio Grande, Sandia Peak Tramway, and Alvarado Center.